I've been there!

Hi, I’m Diane Lynn and I’m a wife and mother of two young men.  And up until 2018, I had the same struggles with my weight that you’re having now.  I’ve tried multiple legit and even some fad diets over the years, occasionally losing as much as 30 pounds, but always gaining it back.  And then some!  I was a classic emotional eater.  If I was upset, don’t get between me and the potato chips!  If I was happy, hey – let’s have some chocolate cake to celebrate!  Food was love and comfort and happiness, all in one. 

But it didn’t love me back. 

My health was suffering.  I was on the edge of becoming a diabetic, my cholesterol was too high and my always low blood pressure was creeping up along with the size of my pants!

The struggle is real!

Professionally, I was a business leader struggling for years with the embarrassing contrast between my professional success and my inability to control myself around a cupcake.  I was flying around the country wining and dining clients, building teams and gaining weight year after year.

Then I found a book called “If I’m So Smart, Why Can’t I Lose Weight?” and thought “that’s me!”.  When I found out the book’s author, Brooke Castillo, was training weight loss coaches, I hired one on the spot.  I started losing weight working with my coach and following their simple food protocol, but when I learned the “Thought Model” to help understand and change my thoughts about food, that’s when the pounds really started coming off!

Finally, something that addresses the real problem!

This was different than anything I had ever tried before.  This was the first program that actually addressed the root cause of why I felt I needed to comfort myself with food and why I had no understanding of portion control.  My thoughts! 

No wonder I always gained the weight back when I finished a diet – my brain still held to the old belief “if a little tastes good, more is better!”  This program gave me a way to train my brain to desire food less and to happily find other ways to celebrate or soothe myself.  And my weight loss accelerated!

Life changing in so many ways!

65 pounds later, I knew I had to become a weight loss coach and help other people like me!  So I quit my 30+ year career in marketing analytics and signed up for Brooke Castillo’s yearlong training at The Life Coach School. 

Now I’m a certified Life and Weight Loss Coach and I’m on a mission to help as many people as possible gain control over their weight, health and minds!  I know my weight loss is permanent and if you’re an emotional eater, I know I can help you do it, too!

Certified Life and Weight Loss Coach

The Life Coach School

Frisco, TX